All you need is thread and a needle.
1. Draw the thread through the fabric.
2. Bring thread down and hold with your thumb.
3. Insert needle into the fabric a little to the right of the first stitch.
4. It will look like a loop on your thumb on the front of the fabric.
5. Bring the needle down through the loop and pull the thread through.
6. Back to # 1
How to Join Wire With A Buttonhole Stitch.
You'll Need:
Wire - cut the Length Needed + one inch, Buttonhole, Thread or Upholstery, Thread the Color of your Wire, Milliners Needle,
Pencil, and Scissors.
1. Mark 1/2" on both ends of the wire with pencil. Overlap wire with each end meeting the pencil mark on the opposite side
of the wire.
2. Thread a milliners sewing needle with 18" of thread. Make a slip knot with the thread.
3. Hold the overlapping wire together holding the slip knot on the wire, go through the loop and pull thread through.
4. Still holding the over lapping wire buttonhole stitch over the overlapping wire until you have covered the full 1/2" of
over lapping wires.
How to hand sew a blind stitch.